
Love is beautiful, for it makes us what we never imagined we'll be !

Tuesday, December 23, 2014


There are many dialogues like... "i am with you, no matter i am far"... They are good, but when it comes to real world, they can't pacify us everytime.

There are times when we need each other, physically. Times when we want to cry and need that specific shoulder. At that time, no philosophy consoles us.

Right now, there's someone in the same situation. He is sick! Really sick. He is irritated, he is unwilling, and he wants me. To be with him, making him laugh, giving him proper care, scolding him for being careless with his health. But i ain't with him. He is managing things single handedly. The boy who is like my baby, he is in pain and what i can do is simply nothing.

He speaks feebly, he asks me to come. He says sometimes that baby please embrace me in your arms and i promise you i'll be ok. I just pray to god everytime i hear from him to make him well soon. Its christmas again, and as i said, i believe in santa... So santa please make him well. He deserves all the happiness not anguish.



Sunday, December 21, 2014

God: A mythology or an energy?

Mythology is a great secret in itself. It has left the world with some stories to ponder upon. They might be true or false. They might be real or just an outcome of imagination. No one knows. The existance of God is a mystery, but still we believe on him. Every person living on this earth believes on his presence in some or the other way. Now, may it be rama, krishna, hanuman, sita, vishnu, shiv or any other God of Hindu culture or Jesus and mother mary of christian culture.

It's christmas within some days and people would be celebrating. They would be singing carols, baking rum cakes and giving gifts dressing themselves as "Santa". Yes, another mythological man. Does he exist? Like others i also dont know, but like others, i do believe that yes he's there and he gives us what we wish for. Let me tell u why...

Three years back, i was standing on my terrace. It was cold. The date was 24th of december 2011. I was tired of my life. I wanted something to happen. Maybe, a miracle which would return me my friend, A friend who went far and made me die a thousand deaths. I could see him, hear him but could not approach him. He hadn't talked to me since 2 years. I don't know what triggered me. I bought a paper and a pen. I wrote what my heart wishes for. It was somewhat like ...
"hey santa, its christmas and I would like you to bless everyone in my life with whatever they want. Give all my friends what they crave for. Make them happy and return them all what they have lost. Give them love, health and happiness. And at the end if u aren't boared, just return him to me. Please..i miss him"

I wrote it read it aloud and kept it inside my diary. I felt somewhat stupid to do it. Miracles don't happen. I opened facebook. I inboxed him "merry christmas :) " but i wasn't expecting a reply as his id was dormant since 10 months.

Next day, i woke up. I opened fb. It had one msg, "same to you" from that man and some more words. I went mad. He asked me to talk to him. From that day onwards i believe that santa exists. After that day, we started talking and now it has been 3 years since i am in a relationship with that man!!!!

So, from that day onwards i started believing more evediently that a power exists, which controls all. Which sees a persons karma and rewards or punishes him accordingly. But for sure, there's a power devoid of all shapes and sizes. Its a ruling energy!


Friday, December 19, 2014

P.04- That girl in the mirror

A Girl In The Mirror

I came running through the house,
Tears fell all over the path,
I halted near a window,
And saw a girl !

Her tears fell as mine did,
Her eyes swelled as mine did,
She was breaking into pieces,
She was shattering into bits.

Seeing her i wiped those drops,
She also followed the same,
I looked into her eyes deeply,
And she too glared back.

I smiled at her,
She too beamed at me,
Soon we both started laughing,
And dancing out of joy.

I thanked her for consoling me,
I thanked her for not leaving me,
I thanked her for being selfless,
I thanked her for being helpful.

My mother knocked the door,
She entered and was stunned to see,
I talked to a girl,
To a girl in the mirror!

Many times you feel lonely, you seek people and you find no one. Then just go and talk to a person in the mirror. In a very famous movie a dialogue was there,"if you can't do it for anybody, do it for the man in the mirror"
This life is a gift of God. Live it !

Don't just survive. Live...


Thursday, December 18, 2014

P.03 - A Mistake!

Many times in our lives, we commit a mistake. A mistake, which can destroy many things, many relations. I had also done many mistakes. But this poem is an account of a mistake what someone very near and dear did. He made me realise the power of trust and love. So thereby, i wrote his viewpoint. I wrote what i saw because i was also there in the scene.

Hey dear, you made me realise that people do mistakes, but it never means that you are a wrong man. You are the most beautiful person, the most caring heart, which i have seen in my life.
God bless you!


She was crying badly,
Lying on an aquainted shoulder,
I wanted to grab her completely,
But my fears held me back.

I glared with filled eyes,
For long, upon my toes,
Suddenly, to my surprise,
She came and held me at one go!

Crying in her embrace,
I thought about things unspoken.
For everyone now, i was a disgrace!
I was afraid to face friends or foes.

I thought of those happy days,
When she trusted upon me blindly,
I thought of that old place,
Where i and my friends wandered.

All those momentarily flashes,
Revived my dead tears.
I again had wet eyelashes,
I cursed myself for that mistake.

I cried on loosing her trust,
I cried on leaving my friends,
Her ironed love was now with rust,
Would she ever believe me again?

Peeping from that tight embrace,
My eyes met my old friend,
He saw me with different eyes,
And i quickly looked down again!

I started hating that girl and her clasp,
It was no less than bars of love,
Why she wasn't able to grasp?
Keep that only to herself?

At the next moment i loved her,
She was broken, yet wasn't allowing me to break.
Her clasp now felt like soft fur
She really loves me so much !

After a while she seperated me.
She bore a swollen yet pretty face,
She saw through me,
And my eyes conveyed her everything.

She insisted on washing my face,
But i was weakened.
I didn't wanted a random eye chase
So i decided to stay in dark.

She whispered a soft "I Love You"
And after a long time, i opened my lids.
I saw the same face, i saw an old view,
Everything was good again !
             - By "A girl as a Boy".


Wednesday, December 17, 2014

A terrifying reality : Peshawar

What a place this world has turned into ?
A mob comes, and does something barbaric. It goes and what we do is to just watch and condemn. Moreover, somewhere inside we feel happy that it did not happen to us or our dear ones.

132 children, small little innocent kids, were killed by talibans. I don't care about the location till i am aware that such thing happenned. What was their fault ? That they were pakistani ? Had they been indians they would have not been killed there. But still if not there then here, in a attack like 26/11.

We have got adapted to such news of bomb blasts of terrorism to such an extent that now we don't even think it as a taboo or an anti-social activity. We should do something. I don't know what, but yes "something". Something like what america did after 9/11. Sitting idle and waiting for our own turn is not a good option. Not at all.
RIP kids.



Sunday, December 14, 2014

P.02 "I don't miss my school"

I am not missing my school... It's just that...

The early morning scooty ride,
The trifle over which we fight,
The almirah full of helmets,
And the comfort when eyes got wet
I am missing it all.

Pranjal's jacket with a XXXL cap,
Kartik's guitar with a broken strap,
Vaibhav's title of fair and handsome,
Aradhya's unbeatable debate wisdom,
Hopping Pakhi's bird membership,
Fun at Anandi waterpark's trip,
Geetika's overgrown colourful nails,
Nazar and mine pj's leading to heart fail,
Ayushi's sudden study attacks,
Shashwat's books which made a big stack,
Shantanu's high and low phases,
Yashwant's fogettable mad faces,
Anushree's all time rubberband shopping,
Aditi and ours golgappa partying,
Vibhav's everytime pulling my ponytail,
And my bad brother Vishal's help.without fail.
I just miss all this, nothing more....


P.01 "Nameless..."

So now this is one of my creations... Hope you like it...


People say he owned million pounds,
So why today, he lies claden in white?
People say he was well renowned,
So why today, he seems to be quiet?
People say he was a great man,
So why today no one cried for him?
People say his buisness had a great span,
So why today tears dried for him?

It's not his fault
He lies there in serenity.
People visit and revisit him,
And he still lies.
He sees his beloved crying,
He sees his son in agony,
He is dead but his soul is alive,
Now he realises who was his, here !

He feels guilty on seeing money,
On thinking about his life,
Wasted in earning an unfaithful possession,
Which never cared for him
And which after is death,
Is making a joke of him.
For, it is attracting his brothers,
And his beaming relatives.

He sobs at his foolishness.
At the unending urge of earning,
More materialistic possessions.
Which were impossible to be carried along,
All with his soul towards eternity.
He travels alone, numb and naked
Leaving behind his name and identity.


Friday, December 12, 2014

From nobody to somebody!

One day you are born. One day you are dead. And between these two days lies your journey from nobody to somebody !

You enter this world with some basic relations called "mom" and "dad". And these are said to be only relations which accompany you forever. Then why relations like boyfriend/girlfriend or a simple friend, sometimes seems more charming than these unbreakable bonds? Maybe because, these were your choices. They are those people whom you chose to be with among a bulk of people. And when your decisions, your choices are correct, you are charmed !

But all the people make u a somebody. I believe that every person entering your life alters you in some way, maybe bad, maybe good. I, since childhood, had a lots of friends and when today i see myself infront of mirror i see reflection of all of them within me at one go. They made me somebody! Had all these people i.e. My family my friends and my love not been in my life, i would have been an entirely different person alltogether. You too !!

I want to thank every person who has ever been in my life. Special thanks to those who betrayed me, for they helped me in recognizing people more efficiently from then onwards.
Thanx to my family for making me a good women.
Thanx to my love for loving me so much.
Thanx to my frnds for helping me always.

At the end


Friday, December 5, 2014

AARAKSHAN : Cause of a social divide.

Aarakshan (in hindi) or "reservation" is a process of setting aside some number of seats in government jobs exams or in our legislature (like in lok sabha) for scheduled castes, tribes and other backward classes. It is a statuary law and each state has it modified the way it suits.

Reservation must be abolished.
I feel that way when it comes to the field of EDUCATION.

I am a student. I am preparing for some really prestigious exams(IIT JEE) which follow reservation.
Last year, The general cut off for the mains level of the exam was 115 for general, 74 for OBCs and unexpected 47 and 43 for SC and ST respectively. Now, is this really fair ?

Long back in india, during the vedic period the system of caste or varna started. But at that time caste was'nt decided by birth. It was decided according to the karma or the work which one did. But slowly it changed itself to the method of determining caste by birth. Then was when the concept of SC/ST being untouchables came in light.

After our nation got its independence, a system of reservation based on the caste of a man was started in order to help them. They lacked opportunities, finance and for their betterment, it was apt. But today after decades also this system is going on in the same way. Its need is over, but still it is going on. Right now, we dont discriminate people on the baises of caste. We only have two castes actually right now i.e. The rich and the poor. Their are many rich "reserved" people and many poor "non-reserved" people.

By giving aarakshan, in the field of education, the goverment is doing injustice to the all the people of the country, may it be one who gets it or the one who is not getting it.

If you don't get reservation: Most of the sect of the society does not gets any type of reservation. They are general. Many bright and intellegent student who should get admission in a good college are deprived of it. They feel so humiliated when they see a SC or ST scoring half than them and getter a better college than them. It is creating the same divide, to abolish which, reservation was initially introduced.

If you are getting reservation: Admit it , you are a human ! People have their own limits. By giving reservation, goverment makes people lazy. When it comes to studies, they study lesser as they now they would clear their cut off easily. But after getting into a college they dont get any other benefit. They have to study what others study with the same zeal. They are unable to cope up as their basics are not so clear (I am talking generally. Their were people who being sc st were seriously more deserving than general candidates) . As a result they commit sucide as seen mostly or leave the college after 1st sem. Sucides in IIT have a great percentage of people who cracked it because of reservation.

On a funny note, there are some people who are actually benefited. Its like they wanted a maruti and got an audi i.e. They werent that bad but werent that good also.

So, I think, when it comes to education reservation must be abolished. If government wants people to get good opportunities provide them with funds. Judging people on their financial status would be better than judging them on caste. If they are poor no matter of what caste and they dont have money give them what it takes for their upliftment. If if they are rich then no benefits must be given to them no matter to which caste they may belong.
Give them good weapons to fight the war, dont just open a backdoor for them else they'll never be good warriors.



Dilemma, why you come and kiss me everytime ? 

Two days from now, i was seeing myself with my cousin sister at her place wearing my yellow suit and now i know where i really would be. I'll be in my classroom studying about "real gases"! the feeling which i get right now is a mixed one, but to be frank it is more inclined towards a positive side. ya it is !
To elaborate, it is my sisters engagement on 9th and i was leaving on 8th. tickets were booked. bags were packed. but today i saw next weeks timetable of FIITJEE (Well, i am a fiitjian and i am on drop for the well known iit jee!). i have 5 classes the next week (totally weird and unexpected on their side...normally we have 3 per week.) i thought ......... and thought ........ and thought. i consulted my teacher. he just said "don't go" and i accepted it. it is not so that i am a very obedient child. i ain't. but he resonated with what was inside me. and thereby i decide not to go. i rung my sister. she obviously is very angry at me. who wont be? but i am determined. i will not move from it. my mother is pushing me to go, my Didi wants me to come but i wont because i cant suffer the consequences.

After all this, i thought... really ??? me??? "WORK ABOVE ALL" wasn't my type. but after taking such an unexpected decision on my part i feel satisfied.
*that i cant be influenced easily(HE says i can be :/)..see i wasn't :/
*that i have respect and devotion for my work.
*and that i am sensible enough not to do my loss while other people try to gain something.

 Well i intend to use this time wisely now which i have sacrificed for my work.



Thursday, December 4, 2014

Some people do like this !!!

To start off, lets start with today(actually yesterday would be practically apt but since I am awake, i'll prefer today!) :D

Today when I woke up, news headlines captivated me. A boy of IIT KHARAGPUR grabbed a package of 1 cr. 55 lakhs i.e. Roughly 10.5 million per annum in his campus selections!!!

On the other hand I also saw news stating that many students left packages of almost 0.9 million...why?
Are they mad ?
No, they are IITians, how can they be :/
So, are they overconfident?
Might be.
Are they greedy? Did they wish for more money.
I cant hope this, not at all...

So...what possibly can be the reason ??
What you feel ? (do comment)

I feel...they are thinkers(maybe).
They dont want JUST money...they want to contribute. Contribute to the nation in terms of knowledge and development. We develop so many engineers but why they confine themselves to this 9 to 5 office job ? Afterall, they are ENGINEERS, the pioneers of innovation!
The answer to this not so difficult ques is.... Money.
For instance...let us consider a boy who took chemical engg. In any IIT or any other good college. He studied properly for whole of his college life. Companies came...he got selected at two places. One who would recruit him at some "x" bucks as a chem engg and another who would recruit him as a computer man for some "x + y" bucks.
Result- he goes as a comp man for those extra "y" bucks.

He leaves his field.
He ruins what all he studied.
He ruins the purpose of his study.

So coming back to those students who left a lavish job....there is a possibility of them belonging to that community where they wont change their field for money. They would persue what they were supposed to...because they are learned on that part and they know they can contribute for a better tommorrow!


Well i got something.... Click here

This seemes to match my viewpoint !!

The start of a new blog !

To remain positive always... and to continue writing forever as a a hobby... I hereby write a simple "WELCOME YOU VISHRUTI...!!"