
Love is beautiful, for it makes us what we never imagined we'll be !

Thursday, March 26, 2015

India vs Australia : a sad return

No matter right now I am in tears...yes i actually am! Because i love my team..
but we all must thank MSD for bringing us till semifinals...
Because if we look back a few months back, and compare it with today, he deserves something like "Well done captain!"

The team did the best as we saw. There wasn't any midfield, any bad balls, but the opponents were stronger and that's all!

I am sad.

But I am happy for we made it till here.

Well done MSD! Thank you so much! 

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Judgment day is near :(

You know what's the worst part of your life? When you are too close to your goal and you want to do what it takes to achieve it, but are unable to do so, just because you don't have time! At that time, random thoughts haunt you, and you are compelled to understand the importance of time.

I have my JEE coming up. And there is no such day when I forget asking god for either time or strength. Just 10 days left for a thing to happen because of which I sacrificed a lot. I missed my sister's engagement, I wasted my one year, I did what all I had never imagined I'll do ever in my life. But still when I look back in time I have a few complaints with myself. Maybe that's good also, because a person must never get satisfied with himself. Today when I look back in time, I just wish I had some more time to do whatever I wanted. I feel like I did waste time though i didn't. I am very hopeful for this exam because I want to get rewarded for the amount of work I did in the past year. I want to earn what I deserve and I know what i deserve. I just want it now. I can't afford to miss it or return empty handed.

This time is hard to handle. With every small mistake, a part of your self confidence is lost. But, I want to pierce all the negativity and shine bright in the sky. I just want what i deserve and I'll do it, I'll do it, I'll do it.


Monday, March 16, 2015

P06- Illusion of world.

Today I saw a post on facebook which inspired me to give it a new perspective. The original post was-

Observe young lads and ladies, observe.
Observe the world around from the island you stay at alone.
Into the infinite ocean, and beyond.
Keenly and kindly observe,for few moments daily the god you pray, the nature you see, the saint you meet, the script you read, and observe,the heart that beats.

I read it and felt that, it would be indeed good to observe things around but it won't be of any use, if it's full of illusions...
So i commented this-

We see and see for long,
Watching becomes an observation,
But it's all an illusion,
Of things that don't hold good.

For if we observe lads and ladies,
They brag about things they aren't.

For if we observe a world from an island,
It seems to be quiet but it's not.

For if we observe the infinite ocean,
Is appears calm but sometimes gulps us.

For if we observe the God we pray,
We tend to question his presence.

The saint we meet,
The nature we see,
And the script we read,
All are full of flaws,
But they illusion us of having none!

But a heart that beats is never an illusion,
For it beats the same way for years and years,
Singing the same melody,

I would name this accidental creation as, "Illusion of world“.


Sunday, March 15, 2015

P05 : Life- a maze and not a race!

All the world's a stage;
And men and women merely players.

Shakespeare beautifully explained life in his own way.

But now life has become a race (as people say). But when you closely observe, it's a maze and not a race. You never get tired because it's long like a race, but you tend to get tired because it's complicated like a maze! So this is my another creation out the some of many which i have published-

LIFE- A maze and not a race!

They say life is a race,
If you won't run fast,
Others will surpass,
But for me,
It's a maze.

Where you need no speed,
But patience and heed,
To things spoken to you,
For things blurted against you,

Where you need will,
To maintain a zeal,
Which may grow everlasting,
For when it fades,
It takes along your ambition.

Where you need friends,
To hold your hand,
But not to bear you,
On their spines.

Where you need many players,
To make this game interesting,
But you can't let,
Anybody else win it,
For it was yours from the beginning.

Where you need tactics,
To understand it,
And play well,
Knowing it's rules but still playing false.

Where you need to win,
At the cost of emotions,
And roll the dice of sentiments,
On your near ones.

This game isn't easy,
For those who play it truly.
It breaks them,
It disheartens them,
And leaves them clueless,
But they're the ones who win,
For they win experience,
Of righteousness,
But if you play it false,
It ends in losing,
Everything you had inside.


Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Love still not decoded!

Once, someone younger asked me, "di, do you know what is love?“
I answered, "yes!"
And then he continued,"So tell me what is love?"
And i was left speechless...

I had often tried to decode this word called 'love'. I see it, i feel it, but i can't tell what it exactly is. What I can do is to wonder, that how can a single word explain so much and still remain silent. When it comes to love, it's the world's biggest varied word-

To a kid-Maa! I love you.
To a shopaholic girl-Oh! I simply love this dress.
To a singer-I love the way he plays his guitar!
To a foodie-Chicken! Yummm just love it!
To brands-I'm lovin' it!
To teens-I loved him yesterday, but today i broke up because i realized that i don't.
To readers-I love chetan bhagat.
To travellers-I love this view. I love the silence, the peace it gives and moreover i love my camera the most!

So basically, what i realised is that, love could be between human beings, between humans and animals or between humans and things. Humans are so obsessed with the word and the feeling associated with it that they can adjust it anywhere and everywhere. Being in a state of love signifies your seriousness for a situation or a thing or a person or an animal. It represents your devotion towards that particular thing.

To love, is to worship God. But after all this, still it's not decoded.
It will never be, for it has to remain beautiful. ;)
