
Love is beautiful, for it makes us what we never imagined we'll be !

Thursday, May 28, 2015

IIT is just another college...come on!

Roughly, only ten thousand students get selected in IIT every year. Does it means that the remaining students who worked their asses off are not intelligent? If I got 270 in BITSAT does it makes me less intelligent than the one who got 290. Absolutely not.

A great scientists Thomas Edison, while discovering a light bulb stated, "I discovered 99 ways of how to not make a light bulb." Had he listened to the whole world and their moronic statements, I bet he would never have been able to make one. I have a lot of anger inside me right now. It's because of this system of education, which judges a man's brilliance over a sheet of paper. Remember how we used to fight with the teacher for half a mark. Is that of any use? Does sensibility and knowledge stand nowhere? The so called wiser would say that "Yes it has no importance just because it would not make you earn money". If so is the case, why someone said - "Beta kaabil bano. Kaamyaabi jhak maar ke peeche aaegi."

For those who are imagining it to be the writers state of mind, I'd clear it that NO, it's not mine! I am satisfied with what I have for I've been taught to be so. But some people standing next to me have to give the proof of their intelligence and hard work to a bunch of people sometimes referred as family. Family, hahaha, it makes me laugh out loud! Family is a name collectively given to trust and companionship. It is said that when no one stays with you, your family does. But sometimes, it becomes the only thing you want to run away from. If you did not qualify for an IIT or BITS, will you be treated as a prisoner? Would you be just provided with a bed to sleep along with two squares of meal a day? Won't you have any right to expect some love, care and concern? Wouldn't you be allowed to talk to them just because a discussion for you is a debate for them? Is this what we call a family? NO! Rather it's just a group of people who try to hide all the incompetence behind authority. A family is a closed wrist where one supports another and not an open palm where one finger compares itself to another.

OK, so here, my question is, who actually failed? The one who did all the efforts and still couldn't make through it, but never stooped down, or the other people who are not able to accept a simple fact that he just could NOT. In my opinion, of course the latter for the are weak not to accept it and sit with it.

Guys, India is not the only country, is not the only option and IIT is not the only destination. There's a lot before and after that. Can anyone guarantee me that all IITians are earning great packages?  All IITians are not successful, and all successful people are not IITians. And this is the reason why IITs are getting extremly overrated. Come on! It's yet another college and not a job. You'll have to study there. What IIT ensures you is a quality in everything, not a JOB. Why can't people understand that !

Was Chetan Bhagat a fool to get into IIT Delhi and be a f***ing 9 pointer, then get into an IIM and then work as an Executive Director of a bank in some foreign country, and finally leave everyhing for his passion. No he wasn't. People say he is overrated. He's not. It takes courage to do so what he did. He strove to become kaabil and not kaamyaab, and finally kamyaabi jhak maar ke unke peeche aa hi gyi!!

P.S. I wish you were an S.C. dear friend! You wouldn't have faced this much. That's why reservation actually sucks !


Wednesday, May 20, 2015

A night before

It's the last night before my last exam. Lying on my bed alone, I get reminded of all those moments, all those sleepless nights and nervous days which I spent in the past year. Finally, life has taken a turn and bought me to a destination. From here, a new life will start. College life!

It's a happy sad dialogue "New place! New people!“ And now, I'll be also among those who say this dialogue. Most probably, I'll be going to Delhi, SRM modinagar!

Till here, life was easy but now it's gonna be tough and challenging! With every passing day, I have to excel. Now it wouldn't be about coming first in the class. Things would get materialistic. What would matter the most would be money! People would be keen to make competitors and not friends. I doubt myself that would I be able to survive? The answer to these questions only time will give!

Till then, keep calm and enjoy this new life starting from tomorrow.

21 may completes exact one year to my journey. Last year on the same date I started it. I didn't achieve success but I'm happy that I completed it.
Good night.


Friday, May 8, 2015

Marriage : A topic of endless debate

Last week, I returned from my sisters marriage. In that short span of three days, I saw a women emerging out from a girl. I saw how within a single day, a girl step by step converts herself into a women. But, among this hustle and bustle of satisfying others and pleasing them, she eventually finds herself alone.

I still remember very clearly, my sister before her vidaai said, "it feels like no one is there in this world." You can guess from this single line, what crests and troughs of emotions a girl goes through when she had to leave her home and go to an entirely new world. Old relations are bygones and new one's aren't yet strong. Whom to rely upon? What to do? How to handle oneself?

In this super fast world, one thing is marriage remains unchanged and is likely to remain unchanged forever. It's a crying girl at vidaai. No matter how strong you are, you tend to cry on thinking about this unjust. A girl nurtured by her parents is allowed to leave the house one day with a stranger and what you are left with is the 'punya of kanyadan'. If men and women are equal then still why it happens that only the girl leaves her home. Moreover she is expected to leave all the responsibilities which she has towards her parents. She has to change her name, her attire, her appreance just because now she is a bahu and not a beti. She can't do what she feels like just because she is a bahu and ghar ki izzat.

I am leaving in the middle of this endless debate over marriage.

But still, "why only we?"
