
Love is beautiful, for it makes us what we never imagined we'll be !

Wednesday, May 20, 2015

A night before

It's the last night before my last exam. Lying on my bed alone, I get reminded of all those moments, all those sleepless nights and nervous days which I spent in the past year. Finally, life has taken a turn and bought me to a destination. From here, a new life will start. College life!

It's a happy sad dialogue "New place! New people!“ And now, I'll be also among those who say this dialogue. Most probably, I'll be going to Delhi, SRM modinagar!

Till here, life was easy but now it's gonna be tough and challenging! With every passing day, I have to excel. Now it wouldn't be about coming first in the class. Things would get materialistic. What would matter the most would be money! People would be keen to make competitors and not friends. I doubt myself that would I be able to survive? The answer to these questions only time will give!

Till then, keep calm and enjoy this new life starting from tomorrow.

21 may completes exact one year to my journey. Last year on the same date I started it. I didn't achieve success but I'm happy that I completed it.
Good night.


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